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Metals and Cardiovascular
Diseases (les métaux et les maladies cardio-vasculaire)
Metals, Psychiatric Disease and
mental health (les métaux et les maladies psychiatiques)
Metals and immune system (les métaux
et le système immunitaire)
Metals and toxicology (les métaux et la
Metals and Skin Diseases (les métaux
et les maladies de la peau et des muqueuses)
Metals and Gastrointestinal
Diseases ( les métaux et les maladies gastro-intestinales)
Metals and toxicology of endodontic
material (les métaux et les produits d’obturations canalaires)
Metals and Oral Diseases (les métaux
et les maladies orales)
Metals and the Brain (les métaux, le
système nerveux et le cerveau)
Metals and Occupational Exposure
(les métaux et les contaminations par le travail)
11. Diagnostic Procedures in the Determination of Metal Toxicity (procédés de diagnostic pour la determination de la toxicité des métaux)
Release of mercury and metals from dental feelings or from other source
(relargage de mercure et métaux
13.- genetic and periodontal disease (la génétique et la maldie parodontale)
14.- metals and Alzheiner's disease , multiple sclerosis, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Fibromyalgy (maladie d'Alzheimer, le Parkinson, la Fibromyalgie, la sclérose amyotropjique latérale, la sclérose en plaque et les métaux)
15.- studies on animals ( les études sur les animaux)
16.- metals, fertility, embryogenesis
17.- diabete and periodontal disease ( tiré du site
Metals and Cardiovascular Diseases
of methyl prednisolone and antioxidants in mercuric cloride-induced
experimental vasculitis.
FJ Quasim, PW Mathieson, S
Thiru, DBG Oliveira
Clin Exp Immunol; 98:66-70
Then systematic vasculitides are characterized by necrotizing inflammation
of blod vessels. Neutrophils are implicated in tissue damage by their
presence at the site of injury. They can mediate injury by release of
cellular contentincluding proteinases, citokines and reactive oxygen
species. Antioxidants such as vitamin E and N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) may
therefore be predicted to ameliorate oxidative damages in vivo and
could be a cheap and non-toxic form of therapy. We examined the hypothesis
in an experimental model of vasculitis which has some similarities to human
disease, and in which depletion of neutrophils ameliorates tissue injury.
Mercuric chloride (HgCl2) treatment includes an autoimmune
syndrome and necrotizing leucocytoclastic vasculitis in the Brown Norway
(BN) rat; anti-myeloperoxidase (MPO) anti-glomerular basement (GBM)
antibodies are present, and vasculitis is reduced by antimicrobials. Methyl
prednisolone given tintravenously was effective in reducing tissue injury,
demonstrating that the model was responsive to a treatment used in man.m
Vitamin E and NAC were given as daily injections intraperitoneally to BN
rats either before, during or after HgCl2 administration. Serial
blod samples were taken for anti-MPO and IgE antibodies, which were assayed
by ELISA. Necropsies were performed on animals killed at peak disease. At
doses of 50-200mg/kg per day vitamin E had no beneficial effect on tissue
injury, regardless of timing of treatment. NAC at 100 or 200mg/kg also had
no significant positive effect on vasculitis. Autoantibody and IgE levels
were not affected by either methyl prednisolone or the antioxidants. The
lack of benefits of vitamin E and NAC suggests that oxidative damage,
whether generated by neutrophils or other cells, does not play a major role
in the pathogenesis of vasculitis, and that antioxidant therapy is unlikely
to be of benefit in systematic vasculitis in man.
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Metals, .Psychiatric Disease,
evidence that mercury from silver dental fillings may be an etiological
factor in depression, excessive anger, and anxiety.
Siblerud RL, Motl J, Kienholz
E, Rocky Mountain Research Institute, Inc., Fort Collins, CO 80524
Psychol Rep 1994 Feb;74(1):67-80
Scores on the Beck Depression Inventory were compared for 25 women who had
silver dental fillings (amalgams) and for 23 women without amalgams. Women
with amalgams had significantly higher scores and reported more symptoms of
fatigue and insomnia. Anger scores from the State-Trait Anger Expression
Inventory showed that the women with amalgams had statistically
significantly higher mean scores on expressing anger without provocation and
experiencing more intense angry feelings. The women without amalgams scored
significantly higher on controlling anger, which suggested they invested
more energy in monitoring and preventing the experience and expression of
anger. Anxiety scores from the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory showed the
women with amalgams scored significantly less pleasant, satisfied, happy,
secure, and steady, and had a more difficult time making decisions. They had
significantly higher Trait Anxiety scores. The women with amalgams also had
significantly higher levels of mercury in the oral cavity before and after
chewing gum. The study suggests that amalgam mercury may be an etiological
factor in depression, excessive anger, and anxiety because mercury can
produce such symptoms perhaps by affecting the neurotransmitters in the
factor in mental disease? Part 1. Canmercury-silver amalgams cause
psychiatric symptoms?
Huggins HA.Oral Health. 1983 Dec;73(12):42-5..PMID: (6584812)
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piercing, and nickel and cobalt sensitization, in 520 young Swedish men
doing compulsory military service.
Meijer C; Bredberg M; Fischer T; Widström L
Contact Dermatitis, 1995 Mar, 32:3, 147-9
Piercing the earlobes has increased in popularity among males in recent
years. This habit would be expected to increase the incidence of nickel and
cobalt sensitization. Patch testing with nickel sulfate and cobalt chloride
was performed in 520 young Swedish men doing compulsory military service.
The overall frequency of nickel/cobalt positive tests was 4.2%. The
prevalence of nickel/cobalt positive tests was significantly higher (p <
0.05) in 152 men with pierced earlobes (7.9%) than in those 368 with
unpierced earlobes (2.7%). A history of hand eczema (7/152 = 4.6%) or other
types of eczema (22/152 = 14.5%) in individuals with pierced earlobes was no
more common than in those with unpierced earlobes: 24/368 = 6.5% and 51/386
= 13.9%, respectively (n.s.). Hand eczema was no more common in sensitized
(1/22 = 4.5%) than in nonsensitized individuals (32/498 = 6.4%) (n.s.).
efficacy of low metal diets and dental metal elimination in the management
of atopic dermatitis: an open clinical study.
Adachi A; Horikawa T; Takashima T; Komura T; Komura A; Tani M; Ichihashi M
J Dermatol, 1997 Jan, 24:1, 12-9
We performed an open clinical study on the effects of low metal diets and/or
dental metal elimination on 27 patients with moderate to severe atopic
dermatitis (AD), who showed positive patch tests for metal allergens and/or
clinical exacerbation by oral provocation tests with metal salts. All the
patients were recommended to ingest low metal diets for 3 months and/or
undergo dental metal elimination. Marked or moderate improvement was noted
in 18 patients (67%); 7 patients (26%) showed marked improvement and 11
patients (41%), moderate improvement. Nine patients (33%) showed minimal
improvement or no change. In the patients who showed marked or moderate
improvement, we observed statistically significant decreases (p < 0.05)
in both peripheral blood eosinophil counts and serum LDH levels after 3
months of treatment. The present study suggests that restriction of ingested
metal allergens to which patients have positive patch tests and/or oral
challenge tests may be useful in the management of some patients with AD who
have metal sensitivity.
allergy in adolescents in relation to orthodontic treatment and piercing of
Kerosuo H; Kullaa A; Kerosuo E; Kanerva L; Hensten Pettersen A
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 1996 Feb, 109:2, 148-54
The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of nickel
hypersensitivity in adolescents in relation to sex, onset, duration and type
of orthodontic treatment, and the age at which ears were pierced. The
subjects were 700 Finnish adolescents, from 14 to 18 years of age, of which
476 (68%) had a history of orthodontic treatment with metallic appliances.
The study consisted of patch-testing for a nickel allergy and a patient
history obtained by a questionnaire and from patient record. The frequency
of nickel sensitization in the whole group was 19%. Nickel allergy was
significantly more often found in girls (30%) than in boys (3%) and in
subjects with pierced ears (31%) than in those with no piercing of ears
(2%). Orthodontic treatment did not seem to affect the prevalence of nickel
sensitization. None of the girls who were treated with fixed orthodontic
appliances before ear piercing showed hypersensitivity to nickel, whereas
35% of the girls who had experienced ear piercing before the onset of
orthodontic treatment were sensitized to nickel. The results suggest that
orthodontic treatment does not seem to increase the risk for nickel
hypersensitivity. Rather, the data suggests that treatment with
nickel-containing metallic orthodontic appliances before sensitization to
nickel (ear piercing) may have reduced the frequency of nickel
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6. Metals and Gastrointestinal Diseases or related to micro-organism
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Metals and toxicology of endodontic material
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An amalgam tattoo causing local and systemic disease?
Weaver, Lieutenant Commander DC) USN, Paul L. Auclair. Commander (DC) USN
and George M. Taybos, Captain (DC) USN
Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. 1987;63:137-40
Amalgam tattoos are common oral lesions. The case
presented here involved a 33-year-old woman who had had an amalgam tattoo
for 2 years and complained of localized soreness and occasional swelling as
well as systemic symptoms of weight loss, fatigue, sinusitis, and headaches.
After excisional biopsy of the lesion, the patient's complaints ceased
dramatically. It is suggested that alterations in healing due to the
presence of amalgam particles led to systemic as well as local disease.
Mercury Released from Dental "Silver" Fillings
Provokes an Increase in Mercury- and Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria in Oral
and Intestinal Floras of Primates
Anne O.
Summers, Joy Wireman, Murray J. Vimy, Fritz L. Lorescheider,
Bonnie Marshall, Stuart B. Levy, Sam Bennett and Lynne
Anti-microbal Agents and Chemotherarp, April 1993, Vol.
37, No. 4, p. 825-834
In a survey of 640 human subjects, a subgroup of 356
persons without recent exposure to antibiotics demonstrated that those with
a high prevalence of Hg resistance in their intestinal tiaras were
significantly more likely to also have resistance to two or more
antibiotics. This observation led us to consider the possibility that
mercury released from amalgam ("silver") dental restorations might
be a selective agent for both mercury-and antibiotic-resistant bacteria in
the oral and intestinal floras of primates. Resistances to mercury and to
several antibiotics were examined in the oral and intestinal floras of six
adult monkeys prior to the installation of amalgam fillings, during the time
they were in place, and after replacement of the amalgam fillings with glass
lonomer fillings (in four of the monkeys). The monkeys were fed an
antibiotic-free diet, and fecal mercury concentrations were monitored. There
was a statistically significant increase in the incidence of
mercury-resistant bacteria during the 5 weeks following installation of the
amalgam fillings and during the 5 weeks immediately following their
replacement with glass lonomer fillings. These peaks in incidence of
mercury-resistant bacteria correlated with peaks of Hg elimination (as high
as 1 mM in the feces) immediately following amalgam placement and
immediately after replacement of the amalgam fillings. Representative
mercury-resistant isolates of three selected bacterial families (oral
streptococci, members of the family Entcrobacteri-aceae, and enterococci)
were also resistant to one or more antibiotics, including ampicilhin,
tetracycline, streptomycin, kanamycin, and chloramphenicol. While such
mercury- and antibiotic-resistant isolates among the staphylococci, the
enterococci, and members of the family Enlerobacteriaceac have been
described, this is the first report of mercury resistance in the oral
streptococci. Many of the enterobacterial strains were able to transfer
mercury and antibiotic resistances together to laboratory bacterial
recipients, suggesting that the loci for these resistances are genetically
linked. Our findings indicate that mercury released from amalgam fillings
can cause an enrichment of mercury resistance plasmids in the normal floras
of primates. Many of these phasmidis also carry antibiotic resistance,
implicating the exposure to mercury from dental amalgams in an increased
incidence of multiple antibiotic resistance plasmids in the normal floras of
nonmedicated subjects.
The Relationship Between Mercury from Dental Amalgam and
Oral Cavity Health
Robert L.
Siblerud, M.S.
Annals of Dentistry, Number 2, Winter 1990 p. 6-10
The findings presented here suggest that mercury from
dental amalgam may play a role in the etiology of oral cavity health.
Comparisons between subjects with arid without amalgam showed signif-icant
differences of diseases of the mouth. Subjects who had amalgams removed
re-ported that symptoms of diminished oral health were improved or
eliminated after removal. The data suggest that inorganic mercury from
dental amalgam does affect the oral cavity.
stomatitis to mercury associated with spontaneous mononuclear cell
infiltrates in brown Norway (BN) rats with HgC12-induced autoimmunity.
Warfvinge G; Larsson,
Department of Oral Pathology, Lund University, Malmö, Sweden
Oral Pathol Med, 23(l0):441-5 1994 Nov
Light microscopy and immnunocytochemistry have been used to study the tissue
reaction to non-irritant concentrations of mercury painted onto the oral
mucosa of genetically mercury-sensitive BN rats. Low-dose skin injections of
HgCl2 in BN rats result in an autoimmune syndrome, including also a
spontaneous migration of T lymphocytes into the oral mucosa. Our results
show that such infiltrates confer an increased degree of reactivity (contact
stomatitis) to HgCJ2 painted onto the BN (Hg) rat oral mucosa. In contrast,
results were negative in the LEW rat strain, which is also resistant to
development of autoimmunity to skin-injected mercury. The possible
involvement of mucosal mercury-loaded macrophages is discussed. The results
are also discussed with respect to possible etiologic and pathogenetic
mechanisms involved in the development of dental material
(amalgam)-associated lichenoid lesions of human oral mucosa.
allergy to dental restorative materials in patients with oral lichenoid
Laine J; Kalimo K; Happonen RP
Contact Dermatitis, 1997 Mar, 36:3, 141-6
118 patients with oral lichenoid lesions (OLL) topographically related to
dental fillings were patch tested (PT) to reveal contact allergy to
restorative materials. 80 (67.8%) patients displayed positive PT reactions
to metals of dental filling materials: 76 reactions were found to various
mercury compounds, 4 to sodium aurothiosulphate, 3 to stannic chloride and 2
to silver nitrate. The positive patch test reactions appeared more commonly
in patients with restricted contact lesions (85.1%, type-1 lesions) as
compared to patients with lesions exceeding to the adjacent areas (38.6%,
type-2 lesions). The replacement of dental fillings was carried out in 62/80
PT-positive and 15/38 PT-negative patients. 28 out of 62 (45.2%) PT-positive
and 3/15 (20%) PT-negative patients showed complete healing of OLL after a
mean follow-up time of 16 months. Complete healing occurred in 29/54 (54.0%)
type-1 and 2/23 (8.7%) type-2 lesions. Topographical relation between the
lesion and the filling material (restricted versus exceeding the contact
area) indicated association of OLL lesion and the filling material, which
could be further confirmed by patch testing in the majority of patients. The
patch test series should include mercuric chloride (0.1%), mercury (0.5%)
and mercury ammonium chloride (1.0%), each in pet.
of elements from some gold alloys and amalgams in corrosion.
Rolf Lappalainen and Antti
Yli-Urpo, Institute of Dentistry, University of Kuopio, Kuopio, Finland
Scand J Dent Res 1987: 95: 364-8
Abstract - The release of Au, Ag, Cu and Zn elements from six commercially
available gold alloys and three amalgam alloys was studied. The polarizing
electropotential system with modified Fusayama solution was used. The cycle
process was repeated 500 times between ± 1000 mV during a period of 5 h 22
mm. During the process samples of solution were analyzed in order to follow
the release of elements. Results revealed rapid release of Zn from most
alloys, release of Ag from most alloys and release of Au from two alloys.
Also, rapid release of Cu was found from amalgams but not from gold alloys.
Release of Ag from gold alloys showed very good passivation up to 3 h, after
which it was released in varying amounts.
of mercury from dental amalgam and mercuric chloride by oral streptococci in
Heintze U; Edwardsson S; Dérand
T; Birkhed D
Scand J Dent Res, 1983 Apr, 91:2, 150-2
The capacity of the oral bacteria Streptococcus mitior, S. mutans and S.
sanguis to methylate mercury was investigated in vitro. Mercuric chloride
and pulverized dental amalgam in distilled water, respectively, were used as
sources of mercury. Methylmercury was found in the bacterial cells of all
three tested strains. The results indicate that organic mercury compounds
may be formed in the oral cavity.
immune response to dog pulp tissue altered by N2 paste within the root
Block RM; Sheats JB; Lewis RD;
Fawley J
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol, 1978 Jan, 45:1, 131-42
After pulpal extirpation of twenty teeth in each of four dogs, these animals
were primarily immunized intramuscularly with the dogs' own pulp (three
dogs) altered by N2 paste and saline solution with pulp (one dog). A fifth
dog was used as a control for skin tests. Secondary immunizations were
accomplished via the root canal every 7 days over a 28-day period.
Cell-mediated skin tests reactions demonstrated less of a response to the N2
paste alone than when the dogs' pulp was altered with this material. In
vitro analysis of cell-mediated immune response (lymphocyte proliferation)
showed a marked response to the pulp altered by N2 paste as compared to the
saline-treated pulp (P less than 0.002). Therefore, dogs' pulp tissue became
antigenically altered by the N2 material, recognized by the host, and a
specific cell-mediated lymphocyte proliferation resulted.
cells in amalgam-associated oral lichenoid contact lesions
Lame J, Konttinen YT, Beliaev
N, Happonen RP
J Oral Pathol Med 1999 Mar;28(3):117-21
Inflammatory cells in amalgam-associated, oral lichenoid contact lesions
(OLL) were studied in 19 patients by immunocytochemistiy using monoclonal
antibodies. Ten of the patients displayed allergic patch test (PT) reactions
to several mercury compounds and nine were negative. The immunocytochemical
quantification showed a uniform composition of the inflammatory mononuclear
cells in the two study groups. The number of HLA-D/DR-positive dendritic
cells (P<0.001) and CD1a-positive Langerhans cells (P=0.035) was
significantly lower in the PT-negative than PT-positive patients. HLA-D/DR
expression on keratinocytes varied from negative to full thickness staining
of the epithelium. HLA-D/DR expression in the full thickness of epithelium
(3) or through the basal and spinous cell layers (2) was seen in 5 of 8
PT-positive patients, whereas none of the PT-negative patients had this
staining pattern (P=0.045). These patients also showed a good clinical
response after amalgam removal. Consequently, OLL may represent a true
delayed hypersensitivity reaction with a trans-epithelial route of entrance
of the metal haptens released from dental restorative materials.
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Metals, Nervous system and the Brain
and Brain MRI Changes in Patients with Suspected Metal Intoxication
L; Thuomas KA; Lenkei R; Stejskal VD;
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology, Vol. 4, No.
2, 1995
Thirty-four patients with central nervous system (CNS) and systemic symptoms
suggestive of intoxication from dental amalgam were examined with magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain (n=32) and with a Memory Lymphocyte
Immuno Stimulation Assay (MELISA®) (n=17). Lymphocyte phenotype
was analyzed with flow cytometry (FC) in 22 of the patients. One hundred
twenty age-matched patients without CNS symptoms served as controls for the
MRI study, seventy-seven healthy subjects with dental amalgam fillings
served as controls for the MELISA® test, and seventy-five
clinically healthy subjects were controls for the lymphocyte phenotype
determination. Pathological MRI findings were present in 81% of the
patients, most of them with signs of degeneration in the basal ganglia, but
none in the controls. The lymphocyte phenotype determination was
pathological in 58%. The MELISA® showed pathological findings in
88%, of which 60% showed an immune reaction to mercuric chloride, 62% of the
patients had some kind of atopic disease, and 35% suffered from
levothyroxine-treated hypothyreosis. A high rate of immunopathologies and
objective signs of immunological reactions in the majority of the patients
with MRI changes in the brain suggests that immunological mechanisms may
play an important role in the development of the lesions.
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Metals and Occupational Exposure
study on the beryllium lymphocyte transformation test and the beryllium
levels in working environment.
T; Shima S; Nagaoka K; Taniwaki H; Wada A; Kurita H; Morita K
Ind Health, 35(3):374-9 1997 Jul
The relationship between airborne concentration of beryllium in the working
environment and workers' beryllium lymphocyte transformation test (Be-LTT)
values was examined based on data obtained from a four-year survey
(1992-1995) conducted at beryllium-copper alloy manufacturing factories.
This study showed that the T cells of workers continuously exposed to
beryllium of more than 0.01 microgram/m3 could be activated and that the
cell-mediated immune response of workers could be promoted. On the other
hand, the Be-LTT of workers exposed to beryllium levels of less than 0.01
microgram/m3 was shown to be unaffected by beryllium. These findings suggest
that beryllium sensitization is not manifested when level of beryllium in
working environment are less than 0.01 microgram/m3. Therefore, in such
cases workers do not develop Chronic beryllium disease (CBD). We concluded
that the Be-LTT can be applied as a medical indicator to detect the
development of CBD.
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Diagnostic Procedures in the Determination of Metal Toxicity
Hapten-Specific Lymphocytes: Biomarkers of Allergy in Man
Vera D. M. Stejskal, Ph.D.
Drug Information Journal, Vol. 31, pp. 1379-1382, 1997
Environmental pollutants and other chemicals may have increasing impact on
the immune systems of human beings. Disregulation of the immune system by
chemicals may be one of the reasons why the frequency of allergies and
autoimmune diseases increases. Human hapten-specific memory lymphocytes can
be detected in the blood from patients with drug-induced immunologic
side-effects but not in similarly exposed healthy individuals. The immune
reactivity of human lymphocytes in vitro to white coloring agent--titanium
dioxide (TiO2), and to mercurial conservatives thimerosal and
phenylmercury--has been studied. It was found that out of 650 patients
tested, 3% reacted to titanium dioxide. The percentages for phenylmercury
and thimerosal were 14% and 7%, respectively. Human memory cells can be used
as markers of susceptibility in future choices of appropriate additives in
pharmaceutic products.
lymphocytes: an indication of mercury allergy in man.
Stejskal VD; Forsbeck M;
Cederbrant KE; Asteman O
Journal of Clinical Immunology, 16(1):31-40 1996 Jan
In this study, 18 patients with oral lichen planus (OLP), adjacent to
amalgam fillings, were tested in vitro with an optimized lymphocyte
proliferation test, MELISA® (memory lymphocyte immunostimulation
assay) and with a patch test. Twenty subjects with amalgam fillings but
without oral discomfort and 12 amalgam-free subjects served as controls. The
results show that patients with OLP have significantly higher lymphocyte
reactivity to inorganic mercury, a corrosion product of amalgam, compared to
control groups. Removal of amalgam fillings resulted in the disappearance of
oral mucosal changes, thus indicating a causal relationship. Positive
responses to phenylmercury (phenyl-Hg), a bactericidal agent in root
fillings and in pharmaceutical preparations, were also noted in the oral
lichen group but not in the control groups. Thus, low-grade chronic exposure
to mercury may induce a state of systemic sensitization as verified by
Hg-specific lymphocyte reactivity in vitro.
allergy to gold in dental patients.
Räsänen L; Kalimo K; Laine J;
Vainio O; Kotiranta J; Pesola I
Br J Dermatol, 1996 Apr, 134:4, 673-7
Gold sodium thiosulphate (GSTS) in patch test series commonly yields
positive reactions. In this study of dental patients, the clinical relevance
of these positive reactions, the suitability of gold compounds as patch test
materials, and value of the lymphocyte proliferation test in gold contact
allergy, were evaluated. The frequency of positive patch test reactions to
GSTS was 12.4% in the dental series. Fifty-two patients, only two of whom
were male, were studied. Thirteen (25%) had had symptoms from jewellery or
dental restorations. However, in most cases gold allergy was subclinical. A
10% aqueous solution of gold sodium thiomalate (GSTM) was almost as good as
0.5% GSTS in petrolatum as a marker of gold contact allergy, but 0.001%
potassium dicyanoaurate (PDCA) yielded a high percentage of false-negative
results. Seventy-three per cent of the subjects with positive patch tests to
GSTS responded to gold compounds in vitro in the lymphocyte proliferation
test, whereas 13 controls without gold contact sensitivity were negative.
Consistent results in skin and lymphocyte proliferation tests provide
support for the concept that gold salt-induced 'allergic-like' reactions are
truly allergic in nature.
relationship between IgE-mediated and cell-mediated hypersensitivities in an
unselected Danish population: the Glostrup Allergy Study, Denmark.
Nielsen NH; Menné T
Br J Dermatol, 1996 Apr, 134:4, 669-72
In this study, we have assessed the relationship between IgE-mediated and
cell-mediated hypersensitivities in an unselected population living in
western Copenhagen, Denmark. A total of 793 subjects, aged 15-69 years, were
studied. Measurements of total serum IgE, prick tests with aero-allergens
and patch tests with environmental haptens were performed in 561 (70.7% of
793) subjects. One or more positive prick tests were present in 28.4%, and
contact sensitization occurred in 15.2%. When adjusted for the effects of
sex and age, the probability of contact sensitization to one or more hapten
was independent of serum IgE level (the odds ratio value (OR) = 1.0; 95%
confidence interval (CI) = 0.7-1.4), and the probability of contact
sensitization was independent of the number of positive prick tests (OR =
1.0; CI = 0.8-1.2). Contact sensitization appeared to be independent of
enhanced IgE responsiveness in an unselected adult population.
allergies to nickel sulfate, gold sodium thiosulfate and palladium chloride
in patients claiming side-effects from dental alloy components.
Marcusson JA
Contact Dermatitis, 1996 May, 34:5, 320-3
397 patients claiming various subjective symptoms related to dental
restoration materials have been tested for the presence of metal allergy.
The resultant data have been compared with the corresponding allergies of
eczematous patients. The frequency difference of metal allergy in the dental
group is statistically significant or close to significance for nickel
sulfate, potassium dichromate, cobalt chloride, palladium chloride and gold
sodium thiosulfate. The findings suggest that the dental patient group
represents a subgroup with a high frequency of metal allergy.
of the blood beryllium lymphocyte proliferation test.
Newman LS
Environ Health Perspect, 1996 Oct, 104 Suppl 5:, 953-6
The blood beryllium lymphocyte proliferation test (BeLPT) is an in vitro
measure of the beryllium antigen-specific cell-mediated immune response.
This response to beryllium is now understood to play a central role in the
immunopathogenesis of chronic beryllium disease (CBD). Although there remain
some unresolved methodologic issues with testing, the blood BeLPT has
already undergone sufficient development and field assessment to lead to a
number of important conclusions: a) The BeLPT identifies beryllium
sensitization and CBD earlier and better than any other clinical test
presently available. b) The CBD cases identified with the blood test are
clinically significant. c) A subset of the people identified by the BeLPT
who do not yet have clinical disease will progress and require treatment
with corticosteroids for impairing illness. d) The BeLPT can be used to
improve clinical diagnostic accuracy and to correct mistaken diagnoses. e)
The blood test can be used in screening large numbers of exposed workers
because it is sensitive and specific and has high positive and negative
predictive value for CBD. f) In every workforce studied to date, the BeLPT
has identified beryllium sensitization and CBD that had been missed by
conventional screening efforts. g) Worker populations that have been
characterized using the BeLPT can help to elucidate the role of exposure
genetics and dysregulated inflammation in the genesis of occupational lung
frequency of contact allergy to gold sodium thiosulfate. An indication of
gold allergy?
Björkner B; Bruze M; Möller H
Contact Dermatitis, 1994 Mar, 30:3, 144-51
When gold sodium thiosulfate was added to the patch test standard series,
positive reactions were obtained in 8.6% of 823 consecutive patients with
suspect contact allergy. The test reactions were clinically of an allergic
type and, in several cases, long-lasting. There was no correlation with
other allergens in the standard series. In a special study on 38 patients
with contact allergy to gold sodium thiosulfate, the following principal
findings were obtained: positive patch tests to the compound itself in
dilute concentration; positive patch tests to potassium dicyanoaurate;
negative patch tests to gold sodium thiomalate, sodium thiosulfate, and
metallic gold; positive intradermal tests to gold sodium thiosulfate. Our
findings make gold sodium thiosulfate the 2nd most common contact allergen
after nickel sulfate. It is suggested that a positive skin test to gold
sodium thiosulfate represents gold allergy.
V. D. M. Stejskal, K.
Cederbrandt, A. Lindvall, M. Forsbeck
Toxicology in Vitro, Vol. 8; Number 5; pp. 991-1000, 1994
The sensitizing properties of metals widely used in medical and dental care
have been studied with the help of an optimized lymphocyte proliferative
assay, MELISA®. MELISA® (memory lymphocyte
immuno-stimulation assay) was originally developed for the screening of
allergenic epitopes of drugs and other chemicals of low molecular weight,
but has recently been adapted for the study of metal-induced sensitization.
The patients studied suffered from various mucosal problems which were
suspected to be caused by the release of metal ions from dental
restorations. They were also troubled by chronic fatigue persisting over
many years. One patient was also occupationally exposed to metals while
working in a dental practice. Healthy subjects without any discomfort due to
metal devices served as controls. In addition to metals used in dentistry,
lymphocyte responses to organic mercurials used widely as preservatives in
vaccines, eye/nose drops and contact lens fluids were studied. The results
indicated that mercurials, as well as other metals such as gold or
palladium, induce strong lymphocyte proliferative responses in patients with
oral or systemic symptoms, but not in similarly exposed unaffected subjects.
The results of MELISA® performed with a pair of identical twins
with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) indicated that metal-specific responses
may be dependent on the genetics of the patient. Thus, many metals that are
today accepted for use in medicine and dentistry carry a definite
sensitizing risk for certain genetically predisposed individuals. Therefore,
the use of these metals should be limited in the future.
exposure to mercury and silver released from dental amalgam restorations.
Skare I;
Engqvist A
Arch Environ Health, 1994 Sep, 49:5, 384-94
In 35 healthy individuals, the number of amalgam surfaces
was related to the emission rate of mercury into the oral cavity and to the
excretion rate of mercury by urine. Oral emission ranged up to 125
micrograms Hg/24 h, and urinary excretions ranged from 0.4 to 19 micrograms
Hg/24 h. In 10 cases, urinary and fecal excretions of mercury and silver
were also measured. Fecal excretions ranged from 1 to 190 micrograms Hg/24 h
and from 4 to 97 micrograms Ag/24 h. Except for urinary silver excretion, a
high interplay between the variables was exhibited. The worst-case
individual showed a fecal mercury excretion amounting to 100 times the mean
intake of total Hg from a normal Swedish diet. With regard to a Swedish
middle-age individual, the systemic uptake of
Diagnostic value of the lymphocyte proliferation test in
nickel contact allergy and provocation in occupational coin dermatitis.
Räsänen L;
Tuomi ML
Contact Dermatitis, 1992 Oct, 27:4, 250-4
The lymphocyte proliferation test (LPT) was compared with
the patch test in the diagnosis of nickel contact sensitivity. Of the 21
subjects with nickel contact allergy, the patch test detected 20 (95%). The
subject remaining negative in the patch test was positive in the intradermal
test. 18/21 subjects with nickel contact sensitivity were positive in the
LPT, whereas in the control group 2/23 subjects were false positive. These
results were obtained at nickel sulfate concentrations of less than 10
micrograms/ml, higher concentrations led to nonspecific lymphocyte
stimulation. 3 nickel-sensitive cashiers with suspected coin contact-induced
deterioration of their hand eczema were challenged by having them count
nickel-containing coins daily for 15 min. 2 of them developed vesicular
eczema on their palms and fingers in 2 to 3 days. The present results show
that the LPT is a reliable additional test in the diagnosis of nickel
contact sensitivity. Furthermore, provocation is a valuable procedure when
assessing the relevance of nickel contact in occupational hand eczema in
certain occupations.
Transformation test for Diagnosis of Isothiazoline Allergy in Man
D. M. Stejskal, M. Forsbeck, R. Nilsson
The Journal of Investigative Dermatology 94:798-802, 1990
The lymphocyte transformation test (LTT) has been used for evaluation of in
vitro lymphocyte responses in 18 patients with dermatitis and positive patch
tests to 200 ppm of a combination of 5-chloro-2-methylisothiazolinone and
2-methtylisothiazolinone (MCI) in nine patients with dermatitis unrelated to
MCI and in seven subjects without skin diseases. Two workers sensitized by
occupational exposure to formulation containing 1,2-benzisothiazolin-3-one
(BIT)were also studied. Lymphocytes from nine patch-test-positive patients
proliferated vigorously to MCI in vitro. Lymphocytes from the remaining nine
patients were not stimulated. Lymphocytes from two BIT-sensitized workers
responded to BIT in vitro. The lymphocyte proliferation to isothiazolines
indicates the presence of memory cells in the patients blood and confirms
immunologic reaction to the inducing agent. To establish clinical relevance
of LTT results, 12 MCI patch-test-positive patients underwent "use
test" with lotion containing 15 ppm MCI. Four of five LTT-positive
patients were use-test-positive, whereas seven of seven LTT-negative
patients were use-test-negative. LTT-positive and lotion-positive patients
responded to 100 ppm or lower concentrations of MCI on patch testing,
whereas seven of eight LTT-negative and lotion-negative patients responded
to 200 ppm only. In the case of MCI, proliferation was due to the
chlorinated component, indicating that this part contains an allergenic
epitome. Finally, MCI-specific lymphocyte proliferation was observed only in
patients with MCI-positive skin test, but not in nine patients with
dermatitis induced by other agents, or in seven subjects without skin
diseases. Thus, the lymphocyte transformation test is able to distinguish
between irritant and allergic responses. It may also be valuable in
establishing the clinically relevant patch-test concentration of allergens
with irritative properties.
· Development of low- and high-serum culture conditions for use of human oral fibroblasts in toxicity testing of dental materials. Liu et. al., (1991). J. Dent. Res. 70:1068-1073.
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Release of mercury and metals from dental feelings or from other source
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13.- periodontal disease, genetic and metal causes
Linkage disequilibrium of interleukin-1 genetic polymorphisms with early-onset periodontitis. Diehl SR, Wang Y, Brooks CN, et al. J Periodontol (United States), Apr 1999, 70(4) p418-30
14.- metals and Alzheiner's disease, multiple sclerosis, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson, Fibromyalgy
Bowel dysfunction and irritable bowel syndrome in fibromyalgia
patients [see comments]
Sivri A; Cindas A; Dinçer F; Sivri B
Clin Rheumatol, 1996 May, 15:3, 283-6
Fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome are both common conditions which
account for most of the referrals to physical medicine and
rehabilitation-rheumatology and gastroenterology clinics, and they
frequently coexist. In this study, we utilized a previously validated
questionnaire to assess the prevalence of symptoms of bowel dysfunction and
irritable bowel syndrome, and to survey the range of bowel pattern in 75
patients with fibromyalgia as compared to 50 normal controls. Symptoms
associated with irritable bowel syndrome (p < 0.05) were reported in
41.8% of the fibromyalgia patients and 16% of the normal controls. In
conclusion, we found that patients with fibromyalgia have a high prevalence
of gastrointestinal complaints confirming the results indicating that
fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome frequently coexist. This may
suggest a common pathogenic mechanism for both conditions.
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